in 1980, Dragon & Elephant Enterprises Co., began operating as the
market leader in the navigational equipment field in our territory. No
longer after, D&E decided to expand its involvement in the hydrographic,
positioning, marine electronics and communication equipment to meet the
needs of merchant marine vessels or hydro survey vessels operating worldwide.
To date, D&E divides in 3 main departments: Hydrographic processing
Software & Hydroacoustics and underwater sytem dep., Satellite Electronics
& Communication dep., and Marine Navigation dep. We have more than
30 professional employees.
With over 26 years, D&E work closely with lots of major suppliers
in the word and send our engineer to attend the training course for enriching
our skill and for letting ourselves to be competitive in the market.
Each year, we sell lots of high level products, such as Multibeam and
scientific Echo Echo Sounder, AIS, ROV, GIS, VMS, Protection transit cases…
to customers and execute the projects with universities.
Providing good service and high quantity products is always D&E done
and aimed at. Others can’t do, D&E will do it for you.